New Programming Blockchain Prices
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New Programming Blockchain Prices

A few months ago, I started as a way to train new Bitcoin developers. The events have been a success and I have trained over 40 people thus far.

While I intended to keep denominating in BTC as a way to make my accounting easier, the recent surge in BTC price has added a lot cost in USD terms. As most students still think in terms of USD for prices, I’ve decided to change the pricing structure for the course.

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New Pricing

The new pricing is $4000 USD. There is a $500 discount for applications submitted 14 days+ before the event and $1000 discount for applications submitted 28 days+ before the event. This is to encourage people to apply early. All prices will be denominated in the equivalent amount in BTC as of the application acceptance date and the acceptances will expire after 72 hours.

What You Get

Programming Blockchain is a live, in-person 2-day seminar. The course has been described as a firehose of information over 2 days. You will get about a semester’s worth of information compressed into two 8-hour days (this is not an exaggeration, I’m in negotiations to teach this as a semester-long course at a major university!).

During those two days you will create your own Python Bitcoin library from scratch. There is a point during the second day where you will create and broadcast a testnet transaction, which tends to be a major accomplishment for every student. Everything is done on a Python 3 Jupyter Notebook, which can be set up on Mac, Linux or Windows.

In addition, students get a cheat sheet of common Bitcoin data objects and what the hex dumps mean. Each student also gets a copy of Andreas Antonopolous’s Mastering Bitcoin.

Lastly, there is an email list and Telegram group where alumni can connect to each other.

We Need Developers!

To encourage further development in the space, I will give a $500 discount to anyone who’s contributed to any major Bitcoin project on GitHub. Alternatively, I will refund the $500 after the course if any student gets a PR merged to said repositories.

If you want to contribute to the Bitcoin space in a meaningful way, apply today!



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