High Fees and UTXO Sets High fees have been a complaint for a while now in […]
Understanding Segwit Block Size
Understanding Segwit Block Size After I wrote my last article, I was surprised by the protest about the […]
Segwit2x: What you need to know
Segwit2x: What you need to know Bitmain rocked the Bitcoin world last week when they published a […]
Examining Bitmain’s Press Release
Examining Bitmain’s Press Release If you haven’t heard yet, Bitmain just released their plans for an upcoming Hard […]
How to Give Everyone More Control
How to Give Everyone More Control Politics has gripped Bitcoin and it’s about the only thing […]
BIP 148 UASF Q&A I solicited questions about UASF in my last article, and I am here […]
UASF BIP148 Scenarios and Game Theory
I’ve written a good deal about BIP148 already, and recently, there’s been a lot of speculation about what […]
Bitcoin, UASF and Skin in the Game
Bitcoin, UASF and Skin in the Game If you’ve been following various Bitcoin personalities on Twitter, […]
Why ICOs are Very Different than Seed Capital
Why ICOs are Very Different than Seed Capital Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) are all the rage […]